Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sem Break is here..

2 weeks of hols started 4 days ago..
i hav no mood or wat so ever to do anything at all..
i injured my foot again..
betul betul no mood to do anything at all..
coz tis time..cant even drive around or go anywhr but sit at home n rot.. T_T
(cant rili play piano as well,coz cant press pedal..)
who's fault?
my own lor..for being clumsy..
or like wat sakai karen said- lun zhun,dai tao ha..

well..good thing i fell actually.. XD
it givs me time to rili stop and think tru all d things dat happened..
been thinking n scolding virtual characters a lot tis few days..
(d definition of virtual characters here is people who actually do exist,but they arent infront of me at insane for doing so..but pls bear wiv a person who is growing mushrooms on her head at home currently XD)

sem break is here finally..
d holidays dat i've been longing since d 2nd wk of my 3rd sem...
dun ask y..ppl who understand will understand.. XD
but i jz found out dat i hav more things to do during sem break..
jury 2 songs to prepare..
song selection for nx sem's band to prepare..
(i dun wanna b like tis sem, coz v hav no idea wat our lovely lecturers have prepared 4us,so v cant do any early preparation..but now since v knw dat they r going 2stick 2d current policy,i better prepare sth.. XD)

yeah..i knw..2 things oni mar..
but u think jury 2 so easy ar..
i nd to learn 2do things myself alr..
so tcher prepare all 4 songs for me n ask me 2think of d arrangement and solos of d songs myself....
but now..
i memang no mood..
it's hols..
i wanna relax.. >.<
but yet i nd to buck up soon..
i wanna impress my tcher.. XD

going tit da again later...
(rili hoping 4 good news..)
so cant go for senior's grad,coz mum dun allow me 2drive..

my Bao Bei,
thanks so much for d call n d entertainment u gave me ^_^
i'll get well soon n v go gai gai b4 my new sem starts ok?
im waiting for u to come in n c me sakai.. XP
then i bring u all around d place n v make emily envy.. XD
luv ya! ^x^

pls dun scold me for being clumsy again..
u knw me lar..
alwiz here bruise thr bruise..
xi guan jiu hao.. XP
enjoy ur life in aussie land, while i grow mushrooms here..
will try to send over some fresh ones if i can.. XD
luv ya too!! ^x^

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