thr has been so much to talk abt..
but im jz super hyper lazy to lay out all d details.. XD
din hav a proper dong zhi celebration tis yr,
coz i followed my cousin to Johor for her wedding...
but still..
i had my bowl of tang yuen when i came back fr Johor ^^
for xmas,had a bbq dinner in my hse wiv my mum's side of relatives on xmas eve..
went for church service on xmas morning..
dat's roughly wat i've been doing for my xmas ^^
oh ya..
i nd to thank all d ppl dat sent me dong zhi wishes n xmas cards,e-cards,emails n smses!!!
Auntie Khor,Yee Yee,godsis Chyi,SK2,Ann Jil,Aliza,Fang jie jie,cousin Kabs,Serene,Esther Lim,Hooi Ching,Pretty,Jie Ying,Sim Ni,Ai Jia,Audrey,Penny,Phui Yee,Sin Zu,Shook Ling,Su Sean, Lizzy,Angel,Melissa,cousin Phooi Yan,tortoise Yee Theng,Jee Leng,Chee Hong,Wei Keat,Kok Chew,Mun Keat,Vivian,Kharenee,Esther Khoo n etc. (im trying very hard 2rmber all,so dont push it =P )
xmas eve bbq dinner:
it's jz a simple get 2gether of my family n my cousins n aunties n grandmother...
a simple bbq dinner plus gifts exchange n some xmas carols singing..
i seriously suck when im d accompanist for d singing part..
maybe i shld hav try on dat keyboard rather than jz practice wiv sis on d piano upstairs..
ishh..regret so much..made a huge mess for my singers (mum n sis n bro)
xmas church service:
tis yr..
a lot of u guys threaten me to go..(especially jeeleng n kharenee)
y huh?of course i'll go..
n plus..
it's esther's n sam's last time of spending xmas in here..
they wont be back for at least 3 yrs later,how could i miss d service??
n it might oso be d last yr to see all of us 2gether..
coz nx yr we'll no longer be 2gether to attend yf (tis includes dinah chow,jason lim,bryan,zen,jee leng..who else?did i miss any1?)
do i look like im dat absurb?
n how could i miss d wonderful xmas service in TLC??
u ppl..seriously..nd to rethink how u guys judge me n my sis XD
arrgghh..i din manage take a pic wiv jee leng!!
i swear dat nx yr i muz rmber to do so.. >.<
as a whole wrap up..
i had d best xmas tru out d yrs i've lived..
it is certainly a memory dat i will cherish always..
thanks guys!!!!
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