Monday, May 25, 2009

Physical breakdown

lately,my body is sending me weird signals dat i do not knw how to react..
end up..
i had high fever on sun..
my body was like burning wiv fire..
n i was dizzy,been sleeping for one whole day...

it was nerve-wracking for my mummy n dear darling,
coz they checked for symptoms of AH1N1 on9 n found out dat i met most of d criteria except having flu..
mummy was so worried dat she had to bring me to d hospital to c a doctor aft dinner...
in d end,their worries were cleared..
it's jz normal fever plus sore throat..
thank God!!!
i rili tot it was either AH1N1 or dengue fever at 1st.. >.<
thanks you for ur prayers..
n i apologize if my dear darling's msg freaked u out at 1st..
onece again,thanks guys!

on d way 2d hospital,
mummy gav a long lecture of how worried is she..
n how much she loved me..
im d child dat alwiz worries her coz i memang muka tebal..
she scold oso sumtimes i cant be bothered..
dat's y she very 'gek sum'..

yes mummy,
i'll take good care of myself!!!
having to be sleepy d whole day wiv a super high temperature body is not sth dat i want often..
plus..u knw i hate western medication..
I'll Really Take Good Care of Myself,

mummy n dear darling,
luv ya..
^x^ ^x^

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